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Polyethylene-polypropylene Glycol CAS 9003-11-6

Chemical Name: Polyethylene-polypropylene glycol

CAS: 9003-11-6

Molecular Formula: C5H10O2

Molecular Weight: 102.1317

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid or creamy paste



Polyethylene-polypropylene glycol Quick Details

Chemical Name: Polyethylene-polypropylene glycol

CAS: 9003-11-6

Molecular Formula: C5H10O2

Molecular Weight: 102.1317

Chemical Structure:Polyethylene-polypropylene glycol Structure

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid or creamy paste

Typical Properties

Name Appearance
Average Molecular weight Viscosity
Cloud point
Melting point
PH value HLB value
L61 Colorless transparent liquid 2000 285 17~21 ≤1.0 5.0~7.0 3
L62 Colorless transparent liquid 2500 400 21~26 ≤1.0 5.0~7.0 7
L64 creamy paste 2900 550 57~61 ≤1.0 5.0~7.0 13


Performance and application

1, As a low foam detergent or defoamer

L61, and L64, are used to prepare low-foaming, detergency synthetic detergent;

L61 is used as a defoaming agent in the paper or fermentation industry;

2, Polyether toxicity is very low, often used as pharmaceutical excipients and emulsifiers; often used in oral, nasal sprays, eyes, ear drops, and shampoos.

3, Polyether is an effective wetting agent and can be used for dyeing, photographic development, and acidity of fabrics. In the sugar factory, F68 is used, and more water can be obtained due to the increased permeability of water.

4. Polyether is used as a dispersant in emulsion coatings. L62 and L64 can be used as pesticide emulsifiers, used as coolants, and lubricants in metal cutting and grinding. Used as a lubricant when vulcanizing rubber.

5, Polyether can be used as a crude oil demulsifier, and L64 can effectively prevent the formation of hard scale in the oil pipeline, and for the recovery of secondary oil.

Packaging and storage

Packed in 200 kg iron drum and 50 kg plastic drum. Stored and transported as general chemicals.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. The warranty period is two years.

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