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creosote cas 8001-58-9

Chemical Name:Creosote

CAS: 8001-58-9

Appearance: Colorless Liquid

Purity: 87%



CreosoteQuick Details

Chemical Name:Creosote

CAS: 8001-58-9

Appearance: Colorless Liquid

Purity: 87%

CreosoteTypical Properties

1 Characteristic/Property Standard
GOST2770-74 BS144,type2
2 InsolubleinToluene,%(m/m) 0,3max 0,4max
3 Liquidity
320C 320C
Temperature(0C)atwhichtheproductiscompletely (residueat35°Cisabsent)
4 Phenolswaterextractible,% 5,1
5 Distillation,(m/m),%
10–35(at2750C) 5-30(at2300C)
30–50(at3150C) 40-78(at3550C)
70min(at3600C) 73-90(at3550C)
6 Watercontent(v/v),%,max 1,5 1,5
7 Density(kg/m3)at0C 1090–1130at200C 1003–1108at320C
8 Flashpoint,0C 1050Cmin,(Clevelandopencup) 610Cmin,Pensky-Martensclosedtester)
9 Viscosity 1,3E°(Englerdegree)max, 1003–1108mm2/s,
at80°C kinematicat40°C
10 Colour Fromdarkbrowntoblack Fromdarkbrowntoblack
11 Naphthalenecontent(%(m/m)) 2,25 15max

Creosote Usage

Used as a wood preservative, organic synthesis and pharmaceutical industry raw material.

Creosote Packaging

25 kg/drum

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